Saturday, May 18, 2013

[Bethany Lutheran Church] Pentecost Sunday Reminders!

Hello, saints of Bethany! 

Tomorrow is Pentecost Sunday! Just a few reminders:

1. Remember to wear RED so the sanctuary will be awash in the fiery color of Pentecost! 

2. Confirmation Students are needed at both 9 am & 10:45 am to help us make the Pentecost story come alive. (students, please check in with me at the entrance of the church so I can give you your "props")    :-) 

3. Everyone is invited to speak a language of your choice at the part in the Pentecost story when you hear "All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability." I suggest praying the Lord's prayer--but another prayer is fine, too! 

4. At 7:45 am we will have a special prayer of Farewell and Godspeed to the Weller family, who is moving to Tulsa, OK. We will miss you Nick, Sara and Ashton!

5. At 9 am, we'll have prayer with laying on of hands for Mavis Bagby, who leaves soon for a mission trip to Uganda.

6. And we give thanks for FOUR BAPTISMS at 10:45 am! Welcome to the church Jimmie, Natalie, Myles and James!

See you tomorrow! Come, Holy Spirit!

Pr. Carrie


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