Thursday, July 11, 2013

[Bethany Lutheran Church] oops -- Mission Save a Smile info!

If you were reading your Bethany Weekly Newsletter carefully, you may have noticed some details missing from the box about Mission Save a Smile! That's ok, though, because it gives me a chance to highlight their ministry.


Save a Smile

returns to Panama August 6

to work with the Embera Puru village.  The 10 volunteers include Bethany members:  Dr. Chris Burseth, Patty Burseth, Brian Burseth & Michael Burseth. 


To learn more about Mission Save a Smile, please view the

3 minute YouTube video HERE 


Reminder:  Oral B toothbrushes are needed. Please donate them as soon as possible as they are already packing for the trip. Thanks!

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