From:Jeanne Tolzmann
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 2:42 PM
Subject: Birthday surprise!
Arlyn has a BIG birthday coming up - yes, it ends with a ZERO! He always used to anticipate a surprise party, which only happened twice (both in Plano TX). There is a surprise party in the works but it involves just our kids and grands. If we pull it off it'll be a miracle!
You could help make this birthday extra special by sending a card or an email. The big day is a week for today, Friday, APRIL 12!
- If you send a card, please send it one of the addresses below.
Arlyn Tolzmann
c/o Matthew and Andrea Tolzmann
2315 W Medill Ave #3
Chicago IL 60647
Arlyn Tolzmann
c/o Nathan and Emily Tolzmann
5344 N Winthrop Unit 1W
Chicago IL 60640
- If you email greetings, please don't do so until April 12th. His e-mail address is:
- If you want to talk to him in person, please call anytime from Sunday afternoon, April 14, into the next week. Time with family will be very limited on his birthday and the next morning. He leaves for work on Saturday afternoon and returns Sunday afternoon. Home phone 224-535-9261 (NOT until Sunday, April 14 please!)
I don't have e-mail addresses for everyone I'd like to contact, so please feel free to share this info with anyone you think might send him greetings. We celebrated his 60th birthday in the midst of chemo treatments.
This celebration is for
- His 70th birthday and
- 10 years since he was diagnosed with cancer.
Thanks be to God for both!
I know he'll enjoy hearing from you!
Quick reminder:
- E- mails: Wait until April 12 or later that weekend.
- Call: April 14 or later.
- All cards: Send directly to our sons' homes at the addresses listed above.