Dear Bethany members,
Please remember that tomorrow night, Tuesday April 30th at 7 pm is a "town hall meeting" (or maybe a "community forum"?) to discuss a proposal that was brought to the Bethany Church Council. We will meet in Luther Hall.
The proposal under consideration is to institute a separate education hour on Sunday mornings, between worship services. This hour would be used for adult education and fellowship as well as Sunday School.
As a way of beginning this discussion, a smaller group from the Church Council has suggested some questions to consider tomorrow night. They include:
1. Bethany struggles in retaining children past confirmation age. How could we improve that?
2. Is it important for children to attend worship and become acculturated to the Lutheran service and liturgy? Are we concerned that many Bethany children reach confirmation age without ever having attended worship services?
3. Is it important for Bethany to offer adult education opportunities? Is it important for adult Christians to continue to learn?
4. Would you be interested in more education about Lutheranism, other religions/denominations? Would you appreciate more speakers from outside Bethany?
5. If Bethany switched to a Sunday morning schedule with a Christian education hour in between services, what would work well? What would be more difficult?
These are just starting points for discussion. It's also important to know that no decisions will be made at tomorrow's meeting! This is the beginning of a conversation.
If you cannot attend tomorrow, please plan to attend on Sunday, May 5th at 10:15 am in the downstairs community room.
Questions? Please contact Pr. Carrie at or Council President Bethany Gola at
Pastor Carrie Smith