In consultation with the office of the Bishop the church council voted to recommend to the congregation a term call for the the Rev. Paul Cannon as Associate Pastor for Youth and Family ministry through December 31, 2016. This meeting will take place following the 9:00 am worship time on November 9.
The reason for extending this call is three-fold.
1) Pastor Paul's call was co-terminus with Pr. Carrie's call which our constitution requires. The church council chose to table Pr. Paul's resignation, although it is still in effect.
2) The term call will provide Pr. Paul and Bethany with some stability while Bethany is in the process of calling a new pastoral leader.
3) The term call will give Pastor Paul and the new pastoral leader an opportunity to work together for a period of time to discern the future of staffing at Bethany.
Please join us on Youth Sunday, November 9 to act on the council's recommendation.