Sunday, May 18, 2014

[Bethany Lutheran Church] Pastor Carrie's Farewell Coffee

This event reminder is from Bethany Lutheran Church

Pastor Carrie's Farewell Coffee(View Online)
What: Church-Wide
When: Sun, Jun 8, 2014, 9:30a - 10:30a
Where: Luther Hall
RSVP: Click here to indicate if you will attend or not

You are invited

to a

Farewell Reception

for Pastors Carrie and Robert Smith

As you are aware, Pastor Carrie has resigned her call with us at Bethany.  Her husband Robert’s position with the ELCA Global Mission is being relocated to Jerusalem beginning in late July 2014.  Pastor Carrie and the boys will be relocating with him.  She has accepted a call to serve as Pastor of the English speaking congregation of Redeemer Lutheran Church in Jerusalem and as Assistant to Bishop Manib Younan. 

Pastor Carrie and her family are taking only 10 bags with them and leaving many of their family remembrances behind.  We will be giving the Smith family a monetary gift as an expression of our appreciation. If you would like to participate, please put your contribution (payable to “Bethany Lutheran Church”) in an envelope marked “Carrie” and place it in the Sunday’s offering or mail it to the church office.  All envelopes should be returned to the church office by Wednesday, June 4, 2014.   

Pastor Carrie’s last day of service will be June 15.  To celebrate Pastor Carrie’s leadership with us, we ask that you join us for a continental breakfast between services on June 8. 

  • To help us plan for the reception, please click this link to "volunteer spot" and sign up for any of the opportunities listed.  
  • To help us with the planning, please RSVP above and indicate in the note section how many will be attending.  Thank you!

See you on the June 8 as we share our thanks for the ministry of Pastors Carrie and Robert Smith and say good-bye to the Smith family. 

On behalf of the Congregation Council,

Joel Thoreson, Council President

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[ MemberId=815575 OrgId=1184 GroupId=37121 EventId=686799 OccurId=9540541 ]