Pastor Carrie is on vacation this week. Look for her Wednesday Words, next week, July 10.
A few quick reminders: Your Bethany Weekly Newsletter is attached to this e-mail. Please remember that it may show up as a link at the bottom of this e-mail, rather than as a regular attachment. Enjoy!
Vacation Bible School is just around the corner! (July 15-19). The registration link can be found in the Bethany Weekly Newsletter. The VBS Team has a few needs. If you have any of these to donate or lend, please bring them to church (and label those which should be returned):
- Large stuffed woodland animals
- toy binoculars and magnifying glasses
- coffee cans with lids, oatmeal canisters and the like
- big flat magnets
- 1 inch thick, 8-9 inch long sticks
- camping equipment (pup tent, hiker’s backpack, kayak)
Christmas in July donations may be returned to the boxes by the Christmas Tree in the Gathering Area. If you didn’t receive an item from last week’s reverse offering, look for the Christmas in July shopping list link in your Bethany Weekly Newsletter.
Zero Waste Challenge resumes. Bring your items July 7, 14 & 21 and place them in the special boxes in Luther Hall.
Ice Cream Social is Wednesday, July 17 - 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tickets are for sale at the Hospitality Desk on Sunday mornings.