Congregational Resourcing Event
The 2013 CRE will be Saturday March 9, 2013
at Kishwaukee Community College in Malta, IL.
COST: $17 (includes lunch)
To Register: Sign up at the Information table at Bethany
E-mail Pr. Carrie with questions
Sponsored by the Northern Illinois Synod Congregational Life Committee, the Congregational Resourcing Event is one of this synod’s finest yearly events. Church council members, teachers, musicians, staff, volunteers, and leaders--just about everyone in a congregation--can take advantage of this learning event to strengthen skills, gather resources, network with others, and discover new ways to enhance congregational and individual ministries. Come, experience and bring home new ministry tools.
Keynote Speaker: The Rev. Dr. Rafael Malpica-Padilla
Executive Director - ELCA Global Mission
and...a member of Bethany Lutheran Church!
The Congregational Resourcing Event (CRE) will offer many varied educational workshop selections for you, your key congregational leaders, and other interested congregation members. Many groups, agencies, and institutions will have displays. During the CRE Worship, a special offering will be taken. Kishwaukee College is handicap accessible.
Supervised child care in Kishwaukee College’s on-campus Early Childhood Center is provided with pre-registration. A free-will offering will be accepted to cover child-care costs.
There will be workshops under each of these categories:
Global/Specialized Mission Trips
Social Justice
Spirituality/Prayer/Health & Wellness
Check out the list of workshops:
I hope to see many of you there! This is a great chance to renew your skills for ministry in 2013, our "Year of Renewal" at Bethany.
Pr. Carrie Smith